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THE GUARDRAILS: Establishing Your Family and Business Values

    If we desire to seek eternal success, we must live the values as described in the Bible, the church and the examples of the Saints. Similarly, if we want to have success in our family, alignment with these values, along with a strong commitment from family members, is critical. In the family business, this commitment to the values is critical to success as well. Your values are necessary to make the tough decisions in your life, with your family and steer the company in the right direction.


      The Third Commandment calls us to keep holy the Sabbath day. For Christians, the observance of the Sabbath is Sunday, the actual day of Christ’s Resurrection that brought about the new creation by Christ and recalls the creation of the world in Genesis.

      Live with Intentional Priorities

        What Are Your Priorities in Life? Do you know what they are? Could you recite them clearly and concisely? If you can’t recite them immediately, you are likely wasting time every day on things that aren’t important to you as your life passes you by. Do you really want to sacrifice the things that are important to you for the things that are unimportant?

        Stop Digging! Solving Problems with Courageous Humility

          The common response to a problem is to blame others or the environment. While other people and the environment likely contributed to the problem, blaming them solely is highly unlikely to lead to a solution. Instead, if you can stop digging you may be able to solve the problem with courageous humility.